03.01.2020 02.04 CST

New Legislation Creates Planning Opportunities and Pitfalls.
03.01.2020 02.04 CST
New Legislation Creates Planning Opportunities and Pitfalls.
12.03.2018 05.31 CDT
In the federal system, states can serve as “laboratories” for different policies. It appears that the benefits and HR community have become the guinea pigs of choice as the state “laboratories” have attempted to push back at the policies (or lack thereof) emanating from Washington, D.C.
15.10.2017 10.06 CDT
Over the past few months, decisions have been issued in six of these cases (the suits against MIT, The University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Duke and Emory). Here are some comments on this first round of decisions.
14.06.2017 01.07 CDT